Recommendation Letter

Dear Pastor,

Greetings from Lancaster Baptist Church and West Coast Baptist College! I trust God is blessing your ministry and you are looking forward to serving our Saviour this fall as His coming draws nigh.

The purpose of my letter today is to introduce to you David and Terrie Azzarello. It was my joy to knock on Brother Azzarello's door over 30 years  ago and invite him to church. I have seen this couple faithfully serve in local churches and now serve as a pastor and church planter for the past several years. He is a proven man with a heart for souls.

The west coast needs men who will be church-planting missionaries. Brother Azzarello has a background in architecture, structure and church ministry these past 20 years, church gives him a unique perspective on ministry.

As he begins this new chapter of church planting in the United States, he is in need of prayer and financial support as a full-time missionary. I wholeheartedly recommend this proven couple to you, and I trust and pray you will support them as they take this next step in serving the Lord.

May the Lord richly bless your life and ministry as you faithfully serve Him in this needy hour.

Sincerely in Christ,
Dr. Paul Chappell
